We are eagerly anticipating the arrival of Miss Makenzie tomorrow (oh, and her dad, too) I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since she looked up at me…. her little feet dangling from her car seat…. looked me seriously in the eye and said…. “you’re not my best friend”.... I still laugh when I think of that sweet little voice and her little sassy demeanor. Tyler said I lost her when I tried to talk her into letting me comb her hair into piggy tales that morning…. She also looked so adorable in her “fancy smancy” blue boots that Auntie Jana gave her. The California sun was blazing down but she didn’t take them off the entire week. She was the perfect two year old.
I wonder how I’ll fare this year? Will I be the fun Grandma Niece, that helps her make cookies, and plays with her at her favorite “house” park… basically catering to her every whim? Heaven forbid, I won’t offer to do her hair. I’m a slow learner, but I won’t make that same mistake twice. Anyway I can’t wait for another chance to spoil (and bribe) my way into her friendship circle.

My favorite Mackenzie photo - Taken Nov. 2006