Mackenzie has top billing as she is a 3-year-old diva…. in every good sense of the word. She is definitely the star in her world. She talked to me for 12 hours straight with hardly taking a breath, on our way to Lompoc. Yes that's right…. 12 hours of non-stop talking. ... Cute as she is I have to admit my brain turned to mush and drizzled out my toes. However, one of the cutest things she told me was, she was bringing all of her faces to Canyon’s house with her. She actually said it like that. So here they are.... she was quite happy to model them for me...

Her mad face

Her happy face

Her sad face

And her attitude face (she actually calls it that)

And this is the face she uses when she is the teacher and she is sending you to the “baby room” She is just halarious.... and very serious about all the roles she takes on.
She is also all about pink…. anything Dora…. playing hide & seek…. singing songs that she makes up…. She hates her hair put in piggy tales…. and she is deathly terrified of bugs.... even an ant sends her shrieking out of its way. I just want to scoop her up in my arms and hug her into everything that is good in the world. We miss all the endearing sides to her....
Stay tuned next for Spotlight on Canyon....