Erica made the cutest little cheesecakes for a family dinner today. If you haven't eaten anything Erica cooks you are missing out on a great pleasure in life. She is just amazing the things she makes.... the softest dinner rolls that literally melt in your mouth.... orange rolls.... she knows how to do almost everything.... she is a real Rennaisance Woman of the New Age.... she cooks, quilts, makes the cutest cards, is almost all the way through school for a teaching degree, recieving a scholarship so she will run on the schools track team.... she is fit from working out everyday.... she remembers where everybody puts everything which is great when she lives with everybody who can't remember where they put things.... whew.... I could just keep on going.... she is so amazing.
So..... this will be one of the projects to do with Canyon. (and of course cute little Auggie) I'm sure he will join in the mixing.....
1 cup vanilla wafer crumbs
3 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
1 package (8 oz) cream cheese, softened
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1/3 cup sugar
1 egg
1 can pie filling cherries
In a bowl, combine crumbs and butter. Press gently into the bottom of 12 paper-lined muffin cups. In a mixing bowl combine cream cheese, vanilla, lemon juice, sugar and egg.... beat until smooth. Spoon into crusts - pressing in gently. Bake at 375 degrees for 12-15 minutes until set. Cool completely. Spoon cherries on top. Chill for at least 2 hours.
Erica also made some with 1/2 of an oreo cookie as the crust (put in frosting side up) and them she crushed the rest of the cookie and sprinkled it on the cream cheese mixture before she cooked it. (She is also so inventive and creative) Yeah, Erica!!!!!