Yesterday Ken and Annie wiped the dust from the hiking books.... grabbed the sunscreen..... a leash for Abbey, donned their hiking apparel and headed out for Stewart Falls. I stayed home to babysit Grandma.... at least that is my cover story. The truth is I'm as out of shape as I've ever been..... apparently running up and down a flight of stairs a dozen times a day doesn't get you fit enough to propel yourself up the mountain trails. It looks like they had a great time and Annie took over my photography job.... the beautiful photos make for good motivation to pry myself away from my sewing machine and strap myself onto the treadmill. It's not Colorado but pretty dang close as you can get.
It was a day of indoor projects and outdoor play for singing in the rain....
Kenzie is a lover of life..... a lover of humanity...... and animals too. She's a doer, independent, and imaginative. She's mischevious and her most endearing laugh is when she's about to play a trick on you. She's full of every emotion..... joyful elation and pure happiness.... sadness, madness, and poutiness. Her parents have done a great job in helping her give a definition to what she feels. And Kenzie feels what she feels..... then she is off to conquer new horizons. We've been happy, even if we had to run a little faster, to share this roller coaster ride of hers. We will surely be missing her.
Last night Mackenzie loaded up her backpack.... it must have weighed 50 lbs..... and said she was getting ready to go to school in the morning...... so bright and early this morning she pops out of bed..... cheerfully says she has to get dressed and will I do her hair.... WHAT? That is a task that takes at least an hour of cajoling. Yes, don't you remember I'm going to school today. Well Mackenzie it's a long drive to Colorado to go to school. No, school is at that jumping place. Silly me.... I never seem to catch on to any of her bag of tricks.
So, first we had to do some cleaning chores.... as you know Kenzicans loves to clean. She thoroughly washed my garbage can and said, "It's so clean and shiny now, that even the garbage will look beautiful." Gotta love a child's perspective.
Then Erica came over and did some pudding painting with her.... she even got to to give it a final touch of sprinkles and then the best part..... art, good enough to eat. Erica told me about Kangaroo Zoo.... a place in Pleasant Grove that also has jumping things..... and when I can't distract Kenzie any longer..... we head out.
This place had more jumping toys for her age, yet the tall ones that are still fun. There were a ton of kids, so she got in the social interaction she is craving.... poor thing, she's starting to feel a bit stranded on Grandma's deserted island. We ended the day with a Happy Meal instead of Grandma's horrible home cooking.... all in all we had a pretty good day!!