The main event was getting to watch Mackenzie play soccer. She has down all the right moves, from throwing the ball back in.... to being one kick away from it going down the field. Tyler's job as coach is to run down the field with them yelling encouragement and reminding them to kick the ball. For one team, (she played 2 games) without their coach, he did it for both teams. That was fun to watch. His other job is to field questions about.... when is it halftime.... when do we get to do the tunnel.... do we get a treat.... is the game over now?

Of course I brought presents.... which were projects we could do everyday. There's nothing that girl can't do. Every time I took her picture doing something, she would say, "Make sure you show this to Canyon." The last time we were all together, he called her a baby and I think she wants him to know she isn't one anymore.

Ken & I even worked in a quilt show. I'm sure Ken came along because he was sure I wouldn't be able to find my way back. I might have...... eventually. He is the best husband ever, though when it came time for me to puruse the vendors in my search for treasures I can't get in the quilt stores.... he pulled out his Suduko book while I wandered.

Ken & I even worked in a quilt show. I'm sure Ken came along because he was sure I wouldn't be able to find my way back. I might have...... eventually. He is the best husband ever, though when it came time for me to puruse the vendors in my search for treasures I can't get in the quilt stores.... he pulled out his Suduko book while I wandered.
We had a great time.... Tyler & Lindsay's house is the part of the Goldilock's story where they say, "..... and it was just right." Ken helped Tyler with some yard and house projects. Annie & I did projects with Kenzie & and it seems made dozens of trips to the store... Annie had to drive beacause of course I can't find my way home, poor Lindsay worked (but we loved the time we did get to see her.... she is an amazing woman.... we just love her.)