April, yes way back then, started out with quite a rocky patch... sadly Ken's mother passed away... and the only upside to these events is that we got to be with our kids (& Kenzie) The "girls" have asked me to make them quilts from some of their mother's clothes, which I am very honored and excited to do for them. Quilts are so much more than fabric to keep you warm... I
hope what I make will envoke all the love, warmth, and security they felt with her.

All of our family with Grandpa Joe

Ken & his dad.... two kindrid spirits...

Kenzie & I fit in a sewing lesson. She wanted to make an "art quilt" so she could give it to me to enter in my competitions. She had no doubts I would then be presenting her with several blue ribbons. I love the confidence in that girl!!
.............................ANDREA GRADUATES....................................

At the end of April Andrea graduated from Utah Valley University in the Behavioral Sciences Social Work and Criminal Justice Program. I'm so proud of her... she gives new meaning to the phrase, "You've come a long way, baby." Now on to grad school...
While she was graduating I had surgery on my left eye to repair a tear in my retina and hemorrhaging from my optic nerve. All went well, and just about the time it was going to be ok to get back on the tread mill, I got an 8 day killer flu.... you know the kind that feels like it's eating your bones?.... see why I don't excercise.... stuff like
that always happens....
I'm so ready to be back in my routine.... going to quilting.... having 10 or so projects I'm working on and making a general mess...