What I was doing...
20 years ago...
1. Moved to Lompoc, CA where we bought our first home
20 years ago...
1. Moved to Lompoc, CA where we bought our first home
2. Went on our first family vacation that didn't mean driving to just Utah. We went to Olympic National Park which started our tradition of camping and hiking in a different National Park every summer.
3. Bought our first VCR (the budget was cut to the bone saving to buy our house) We must have been the last family in the United States to own one. We still didn't have a remote for the TV.
10 years ago...
1. Lived in Broomfield, Colorado where my heart still belongs
1. Lived in Broomfield, Colorado where my heart still belongs
2. Did away with the TV stations for the next 7 years and only used the TV for renting movies. Was that ever a mistake.... I would much rather Tyler and Andrea were watching the TV other than the things they were actually doing.
3. Had stayed married for 17 years and loved every year of it, except for that time Ken cosigned on a motorcylcle for Tyler. I wasn't happy then.
5 years ago...
1. Lived in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and walked every weekend on the white sandy beaches and swam and body surfed in the warm bath-like water of the ocean. Those are my happiest, wait my only happy memories of living there.
1. Lived in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and walked every weekend on the white sandy beaches and swam and body surfed in the warm bath-like water of the ocean. Those are my happiest, wait my only happy memories of living there.
2. Made my first quilt
3. I quit smoking. Yeah for me. I was finally able to cross that goal off my list where it had been for 20 years.
1 year ago...
1. Almost died from pnuemonia... spent a week in the ICU on life support. I don't think I would have survived it had I still been smoking.
1. Almost died from pnuemonia... spent a week in the ICU on life support. I don't think I would have survived it had I still been smoking.
2. I quit making lists of the things I didn't like about myself and what I would change and started just doing things I liked doing. I'm as good as I'm going to get and I've made alot of quilts.
3. Moved for the last time to Orem, UT. I love our little condo and my own "creating" room.
This year so far...
1. Experienced the sadness of having a sibling die.
1. Experienced the sadness of having a sibling die.
2. Felt the love and closeness of all my family and extended family.
3. Made 8 quilts for Quilts for Cancer.
1. Picked out more Asian fabric for a quilt that will go on the cousin list
1. Picked out more Asian fabric for a quilt that will go on the cousin list
2. Finished an Asian theme wall hanging for one of the bedrooms. Now I need to get it to Kim to work her magic and turn it into a work of art.
3. Bought a new pair of levi's.
3. Bought a new pair of levi's.
1. Babysat for Quik Quilts, otherwise known as Mecca or Jeruseleum by my family, while they are at the Utah Quilt Guild Festival
2. Cut out the next block for the Block of the Month quilt.
3. Picked up some grape juice and Gaterade for Annie on my way home. She has a horrible sounding cold and I'm sure it doesn't feel good either.
1. Babysat for Quik Quilts, otherwise known as Mecca or Jeruseleum by my family, while they are at the Utah Quilt Guild Festival
2. Cut out the next block for the Block of the Month quilt.
3. Picked up some grape juice and Gaterade for Annie on my way home. She has a horrible sounding cold and I'm sure it doesn't feel good either.
1. Still babysitting at Quik Quilts
2. Cutting out kits for Shop Hop
1. Still babysitting at Quik Quilts
2. Cutting out kits for Shop Hop
3. Eating the rest of the little snicker bars Melissa left on her desk.
So closing my eyes and picking 3 names out of a hat are Marshall W (or Jana), Misty B, and Stacey W. You're it.